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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Extensive Blog Research

First post...and I wonder, is this the first time in my life I feel paralyzed to write?  To say something that's "meaningful" (or not)...Really?  I mean, I wanted to blog originally because I have a lot to say about nothing and also because:

1) I like to write
2) (I have no fear)
3) It's easier to write than it is to speak in public
4) (I'm brave)
5) Writing is natural
6) (I'm capable)

So why is the kickoff topic so difficult?  I mean, I performed Extensive Internet Research "EIR" (since about 2007 sporadically) to truly understand things such as "kickoff topics" and "blogs that amuse people".  Much to my disappointment, my EIR sessions resulted in many blogs that no-a speak-a English.  So, I don't even know what they're about without conducting even more EIR.  And that just wore me out by 2011.  So, why not just get it over with, and let 'everyone' (this meaning maybe one, two bloggers at the most) know that my blog will be very random and may include intellectually-challenging topics such as:

1) Perplexing children (of which I have two--girls even)
2) Spouses that 'seem' perplexing
3) Perplexing Current Events
4) Friends that perplex me
5) Animals that are perplexing
6) Nature-perplexing... or not?
7) Why Dry Humor and Wit is so perplexing
8) Deep Thoughts that seem perplexing- but aren't really so much

So, that's all I have for now (I wanted to say 'that's all I got" - but clearly, it's not grammatically correct).  More soon.  And now that this major writer's block situation is out of the way-- and it was about absolutely nothing at all...Let the Blogging Begin...


  1. Seinfeld was a hit show about nothing...so you know I'm following this blog. Write on....
